Data Protection, Cookies and Social Media Policy

Effective date of the data protection policy, cookies and social networks is on May 25, 2018.

In EADIC we want to protect and respect your privacy, for which we adopt the security measures established in the legal regulations. Below, we explain, among other things, how and for what purpose we process your data.

Company name: EADIC, Escuela Abierta de Desarrollo en Ingeniería y Construcción, S.L.
CIF: B 85914752
Address: Calle Angelita, Cavero 13 MADRID ESPAÑA
Register information: Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid: Tomo 27.855; Folio 51, Hoja M-502.043
Telephone: +34 (91) 393 03 19

You have any question regarding data protection? Send us an email to

Why and for which purpose do we process your data?

The data processing that we carry out is justified, depending on the case, on the basis of: our legitimate interest, the development of the associative or contractual relationship, compliance with legal obligations or consent. The purposes for which we process your data are as follows:

Provision of training services to our students, collaborating entities, companies contracting our consulting and/or training services and the maintenance of institutional relations, as well as the dissemination of our activities.

This purpose includes different data processing operations such as the management of the relationship between the school and its students, the provision of services to the representatives of the collaborating entities and to persons of contracting entities, as well as the maintenance of institutional relations at any level.

Provision of training services to our students

We use the data to manage the school-student relationship in an optimal way, essential to be able to perform our services as a technical school in a correct way, such as, for example, academic monitoring, communications of academic milestones, qualifications, administrative matters, issuance of certificates, control of attendance at events or the resolution of issues and complaints raised about them.

Provision of training services to collaborating entities and companies contracting our consulting and/or training services.

In these cases we process the data to provide consulting and/or training services to contracting companies and collaborating institutions. The data of valid interlocutors are used to effectively manage our work, such as communication of training activities, holding events of interest, administrative communications, evaluation of results and qualifications, management of payments and invoicing or economic proposals.

Maintenance of institutional relationships

For the spread of information of the activities and events that we organize or in which we participate, we can take pictures, videos or screenshots in which the image and voice of the attendees appear that can later be disseminated through our digital media and social networks.

Spreading information about our activities

To spread information about our activites and events (both the ones we assist to and the ones we organize) we may use pictures, videos or screenshots in which the likeness and voices of participants may be involved, to be spread in our digital and social media,

Browsing the web and using our digital media

We process data to enable and facilitate the service of access to our digital media and social networks where we are present and to track your usage through data storage and retrieval devices, or cookies. For example, to offer you the version of the website that best suits the characteristics of the device from which you access it, to count the number of views of our website, to analyze the opening of emails sent in relation, for example, to the date and time they are received or the device from which they are opened.

We also process the data to know the interest generated by our content and ads on social networks, the type of reactions they generate, for example, in the form of clicks or comments, as well as to analyze what are the response rates of the events, publications and activities we carry out.

Send communications about our activities and services

We process the data to send you communications by email or SMS related to the activities or services we provide and events we carry out or in which we participate, as the case may be based on legitimate interest or your consent.

We also carry out advertising campaigns on social networks to our followers to publicize our services and events in a segmented way according to the age or interests of the followers using the algorithms and tools offered for this purpose by each social channel and according to the way in which the followers have configured the options to receive advertising in their user profiles on social networks.

Prevent fraud and control security

We treat your data to protect the security of your information and that of our digital media, detecting and preventing possible security incidents.

Comply with legal obligations and requirements

We must process your data to comply with our legal obligations, for example, in tax, labor or data protection regulations, as well as to meet the requirements made to us by public bodies.

Where does it come from and what information do we process?

The information we process comes from:

Data you have provided directly to us

In these cases, the information has been provided to us directly by you through business cards or forms in our digital media such as, for example, username and password, your name, surname, email address, postal address, telephone number, and other personal or professional data that you have provided voluntarily.

Data collected in an automatic way through cookies

We also collect data automatically through cookies or data storage and retrieval devices on the navigation and use you make of our platform, our social network accounts and our emails or SMS.

In these cases, the information refers to contextual data such as, for example, the browser version, the IP address from which you connect, the time of opening emails, the pages or sections of the platform you visit or the terminal from which you connect.

Provision of training services to collaborating entities and companies contracting our consulting and/or training services.

In social networks, we have access to the social profiles of people or entities that decide to follow our social network accounts. We access the information available according to the level of privacy that each user has marked in each network, for example, if you do not make your email public to other contacts, we will not see it.

We do not use your social profile information, we only interact with you by publishing news about our activity to our network of followers and when you decide to send us a direct message or make a comment mentioning us.

Data obtained from public sources

In some cases, we also obtain data such as, for example, the contact details of representatives of public or private institutions from public sources.

What are your rights regarding the information we process?

You have the following rights regarding your data:

  • The right to know whether we are processing your personal data, to access it and to request information about how and why we process it and, where appropriate, to request a copy.
  • The right to rectify and modify the data when they are incorrect or inaccurate and to request their deletion when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • For reasons related to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the processing of your data and, where appropriate, to revoke the consent you have given us for this purpose.
  • In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we limit the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise and defense of claims, for what you give us your consent or to meet legal and contractual responsibilities.
  • The right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, as reported through its website.

If you wish to control the information we automatically obtain from social networks you can do so through your profile options in each of the social networks where you have an account. To do this, you must log in to the social network and manage from your user profile the information you allow the network to make public and to whom you allow access to it.

You can exercise your rights by sending an email to or by letter to the postal address indicated above.

How long will we keep your data?

We will keep the information for as long as necessary to provide the requested service, until you object or until you revoke your consent. In these cases, the information will be kept properly blocked so that we cannot use it while it is necessary for the exercise or defense of legal or contractual claims. Once this period of time has elapsed, your data will be definitively deleted.

In cases where we obtain data automatically through cookies, please note that some may be installed for years. However, you can limit their use over time by deleting them from browsers or devices. You can consult detailed instructions in the links mentioned in the previous section.

Where do we store your data and who has access to the information?

We protect the information we collect by establishing the technical and administrative security measures determined in the legal regulations against unauthorized access, unavailability and unauthorized disclosure.

Your datan can be accessed by our staff, who are aware of the uses for which they can use it and its limitations, being subject to the duty of secrecy, as well as the competent public and judicial authorities when required by the applicable regulations.

In order to provide the services we offer, it is sometimes necessary for our service providers to access your data as data processors, with whom we have a service contract that establishes the conditions of use and the security measures applicable to the data, without them being able to use them for different purposes. Providers for, for example, data storage, analysis and measurement of use of our digital services and social networks or sending communications by email or SMS.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that some platforms, such as websites, may install on your computer, smartphone, tablet or connected TV, when you access them. A cookie is stored on a computer to personalize and facilitate the user’s navigation as much as possible. Cookies are only associated with a user and their computer and do not provide references that allow the user’s personal data to be deduced. The user can configure their browser to notify or reject the installation of cookies sent by the website.

Why are they important?

Cookies are useful for several reasons. From a technical point of view, they allow the web pages to work more agile and adapted to the user’s preferences, for example, to store the user’s language or the currency of his country. They also help website managers to improve the services they offer, thanks to the statistical information they collect through them. Finally, they serve to make the advertising we show you more efficient, thanks to which we can offer you services free of charge.

How do we use cookies?

Browsing this website means that the following types of cookies may be installed:

This type of cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found in the Services, so you do not have to reconfigure the service each time you visit. By way of example, this typology includes:

  • Video or sound player volume settings.
  • Video streaming speeds that are compatible with your browser.
  • Items saved in the “shopping cart” in E-commerce Services such as stores.

These are those that, either processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of visitors and statistically analyze the use made by users of our services. Thanks to them we can study the navigation on our website and thus improve the supply of products or services we offer. These cookies will not be associated with any personal data that can identify the user, giving information about browsing behavior anonymously.

These cookies are used by programs that try to geographically locate the location of the computer, smartphone, tablet or connected TV, to anonymously offer more appropriate content and services. such as stores.

Registration cookies are generated once the User has registered or subsequently logged in, and are used to identify you in the Services for the following purposes:

  • To keep the User identified so that, if he/she closes a Service, the browser or the computer and at another time or another day re-enters said Service, he/she will continue to be identified, thus facilitating his/her browsing without having to identify him/herself again. This functionality can be deleted if the User clicks on the “close session” functionality, so that this Cookie is deleted and the next time the User enters the Service he/she will have to log in to be identified.
  • Check if the User is authorized to access certain Services, for example, to participate in a contest.
What cookies do we use?

Below we publish a list of the main cookies used.

Strictly necessary cookies

Strictly necessary cookies, such as those that serve for proper navigation or those that allow payment of goods requested by the user or cookies that serve to ensure that the content of the website loads effectively: phpsessid; _hjIncludedInSample; __zlcmid

Cookies for analytics

Analytical cookies, for periodic maintenance purposes, and in order to ensure the best possible service to the user, websites normally make use of "analytical" cookies to collect statistical data on activity: __utma; __utmb; __utmc; __utmt; __utmz; (google analytics).

Third-party Cookies

Google Analytics:
Stores cookies in order to compile statistics on the traffic and volume of visits to this website. By using this website you are consenting to the processing of information about you by Google. Therefore, the exercise of any rights in this regard should do so by communicating directly with Google. For more information, click on the following links: y

Social Media:
Each social network uses its own cookies to enable you to click on Like or Share buttons.

Stores cookies in order to compile statistics on the traffic and volume of visits to this website. By using this website you are consenting to the processing of information about you by Zendesk. Therefore, the exercise of any rights in this regard must be done by communicating directly with Zendesk. For more information, click on the following links: and

Stores cookies in order to compile statistics about the traffic and volume of visits to this website. By using this website you are consenting to the processing of information about you by Contentsquare. Therefore, the exercise of any rights in this regard should do so by communicating directly with Contentsquare. For more information, click on the following links: and . For more information, please visit Contentsquare and its Privacy Policy.

What happens if you disable cookies?
If you block or deny the installation of cookies on our website, some services that require them may be disabled, therefore not being available for you to use, meaning you won’t be able to access the full experience on our website and applications. The web page performance can also be affected. When accessing for the first time to our page, a pop-up will inform you about the use of cookies and where to read this Policy. If you allow the use of cookies, continue browsing or click on a link, you will be accepting our Cookie Policy and to the installation of the required cookies in your device. In addition to our own cookies, we allow third parties to install cookies in your PC and use them. The use of such cookies and their presence in your PC are implicit to navigating our site.
How can I configure my preferences?
You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your Internet browser. Below are links to information on how you can enable your preferences in the major browsers: Finally, you can go to Your Online Choices portal where in addition to finding useful information, you can configure, provider by provider, your preferences on third-party advertising cookies.
What happens if cookies are disabled?
In the case of blocking or not accepting the installation of cookies, it is possible that certain services offered by our website that require their use are disabled and, therefore, are not available to you so you can not take full advantage of all that our websites and applications offer. It is also possible that the quality of operation of the website may decrease.
Accepting cookies
If you continue browsing after having been informed about our Cookies policy, we understand that you accept the use of cookies. When you access this website or application for the first time, you will see a window where you are informed of the use of cookies and where you can consult this cookie policy. If you consent to the use of cookies, continue browsing or click on any link it will be understood that you have consented to our cookies policy and, therefore, the installation of cookies on your computer or device. In addition to the use of our own cookies, we allow third parties to set cookies and access them on your computer. Consent to the use of cookies from these companies is linked to browsing this website.
Updates to the Cookie Policy
Our website may modify this Cookies Policy according to legislative or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt this policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, so users are advised to visit it periodically.